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Catacomb Kids


Updated: Mar 16, 2020

About This Game The Origin Of Dungeons500 Years ago the demon sorceress Abys was sealed away beneath her fortress by 4 legendary heroes and a 5th forgotten one. Over time, no longer held stable by Abys' magic, the fortress sank into the earth, becoming a haven for foul creatures, dark magicks, and the refuse of the Over-World. The fortress, now deep beneath the earth, became known as The Catacombs, and kids from all over found themselves drawn into its shadows - seeking riches, power, knowledge, and escape. Now, coming-of-age ceremonies and criminal sentences alike all revolve around plumbing the depths of The Catacombs, and the legend of Abys has been all but forgotten. Some say she yet sleeps in the dark below, the seals that keep her contained growing ever-weaker.What Lies BeneathCatacomb Kids is a procedurally generated platformer, with an equal emphasis on quick reactions, tactical engagement, and strategic character growth. Wield swords, spears, axes, and daggers -- unleash powerful magicks to burn, freeze and poison foes with -- overcome traps and beasts both deadly and unrelenting.The game is streamlined but not "simple", featuring a system where basic elements interact to create complex outcomes and stories. Lure monsters into combat with one another or take advantage of environmental hazards to trick your foes into their own bloody demise. The world is your crafting space, allowing you to create new items and tools from within the game-space itself, never needing to farm materials or navigate a menu to demonstrate your cleverness. b4d347fde0 Title: Catacomb KidsGenre: Action, Indie, RPG, Early AccessDeveloper:FourbitFridayPublisher:FourbitFridayRelease Date: 20 Feb, 2015 Catacomb Kids catacomb kids lyrics. catacomb kids One of my favorite games of all time.. It's Very Very Good.In a Nutshell: Spelunky + Heavy Roguelike elements.This game has depth, there are mechanics upon mechanics, and many ways to approach it. There are 4 classes, with a lot of room for differentiation in play-style via starting conditions and build. The Catacombs are cruel, and punish smack down hubris, the A.I is clever, and more advanced enemies will trick you. Like, it's fun, very fun.. A very fun title, very heavy on variation and experimentation. This game is an excellent example of emergent gameplay.. Hasn't been touched in a year. Completely dead and completely disappointed that I spent money on it.. Fluid, fast, a lot of mix and match playstyles. Enjoyable and surprisingly deep mechanics to explore. 0.0.12: Build 0.0.12 time! Woo!Golly this one took a while, and then a while again. In case you ever needed confirmation, implementing pathfinding for very mobile platformer characters through procedurally generated levels is tough. But I did it! Mostly! There are still some quirks and hiccups here and there, but I think this new AI, much like the level generation itself, will be the sort of thing that's constantly getting tweaked and improved as development continues.However, this AI update now marks the last "Large Feature" I needed to get done before the Anticropolis + Co-op build. Does that mean the big chunky Anticroppy update is gonna be next? Well, unfortunately not. As I'm sure you've noticed this last one took way longer than I was anticipating and so I'm a fair bit behind schedule. As such, the next few updates will probably be -- if more timely -- a bit lighter on new features, as I'll be focusing almost entirely on Anticropolis and Co-op stuff. Stevie and I have also been making progress on the leaderboards, so expect those before long as well.The 'smaller features' that I'll be working on in the meantime will be things like; more meals and food items, further additions and improvements to the new AI, more transitional stages, changes to the way traits are obtained and improved, and, as always, fixing crashes and improving performance.Lastly, I'll be streaming some gameplay today on in about an hour (4pm PST), so if you wanna come by and talk about things feel free.Without further ado, changelog below:FixesCan interrupt Execute with KickCrash when bottling a charge starCrash when throwing pure cracked force starCan learn spells without the space for themCrash in VS mode upon round end if one player's stick has burned awayFishahna are unaffected by slow, pause, and hasteHorizontally held enemies sometimes push the carrier backwardsByats grabbed with Heavy Lifting sometimes get stuck in wallsCrash upon casting overloaded Wizard ThrowNew StuffNew Humanoid AIEnemies will now pathfind to their goals [to the player, to allies, to water when on fire, etc]Other tweaks to minimize their dying in idiotic waysIt's not perfect!New STR Boon -- GrappleHeadgear now shows in character portraits!ChangesFloor spikes are more forgiving when landing at low speeds; can be safely stepped on from corpsesRevised STR Boons:Removed Overwhelming and DuelistPounce is a tier 1 STR boon rather than part of the default movesetFocus Strike is a tier 2 STR boon, and more attacks can be focusedCan no longer shield-bash 0-hp enemiesFixes and modifications to Heavy LiftingCan climb while heavy lifting enemiesMuch more maneuverable when holding small enemiesDescend while holding byats by holding downCreatures hastened by taunt no longer gain Haste's evasion bonusF1-F3 now toggle different information If weird non-crash stuff happens you can turn on these layers to provide more info to help me fix things!But don't be a cheater'Overcharge' renamed to 'Energized' to be more different from OverloadNext Build TO-DOMore Traits and Meals. Build 0.0.8!: HEY.So here's the first full month update for CK! It's a lotta bugs addressed, gasses re-gassed, trances trancified, and goo balls ga-boinked.Hope you're not too disappointed if you were lookin' for a new class and daily run mode. Between GDC, getting ready to move, and addressing bugs, I figured it'd be better to focus in this build on several less involved things so as to get you all something substantial rather than half-assin' two major features without first addressing the existing issues.As I was working on those other tasks and thinking about classes, however, I hit upon a bit of a problem. My plan has always been to completely finish the Poet and bully Before moving on to the next classes - so that they can serve as sort of a template and guideline for the others in terms of scope and ability. However, as I tried briefly to tackle finishing the Poet this past month I found the UI unable to accommodate the vision I have in mind for the class.So now, fixing up the UI has become a much larger priority if I am to finish the Poet and move on to the other classes quickly as planned, so that's going to be the first order of business going into April.Don't be a blue blob, though! I had always planned on redoing the UI once co-op was implemented, and to change the game to a 16:9 aspect ratio. It's just gonna happen now rather than later. This is also good news because the new UI will be made specifically with multiple players in mind, meaning I'll be able to jump into work on Co-op much sooner than the 'later' I had planned.So that's what's coming in the future, but let's check out the now: You can find the full patch notes for alpha 0.0.8 below!FixesFixed some issues with level connectivityOrb of leveling spawns in wallsNon-humanoid enemies try to drop weapons when parried with DisarmGrumbuls will attack mushrooms even when they're held by an invisible playerACTUALLY fixed infinite byat flappingFor real this timeRemoved debug shortcut for activating 'tome' abilityFixed crash when dying while talking to the ghostTrampling enemies with Stampede now makes them target youRaise Dead spirit followers now properly follow you through doorsChain lightning cost unaffected by energy overchargeSpells equipped to slot 3 offset text alinment for alt spell charge count"Your lantern goes out" text stays for as long as you hold a spent lanternRats don't bleedMoving portals into boulders gets them stuckLifting boulders sometimes drops them on your headCan't walk backwards while charging hammer focus strikeCrush trap chain sound continues even after breakingSpaz out when dragging bouldersCrash when throwing certain enemies with trajectoryPotions caught in explosions boil infinitelyPerformance improvements (Ever-in-Progress)Item bottles played no sound when brokenWhirlwind doesn't cause items to hit enemiesSome Trances cast the Overload versions of spells'Acrobatic' overrides taunt combo inputLadders interfere with Sword Skill 1 and Axe Skill 3 (Downwards Thrust, Earth Splitter)Reduced number draw calls for Temporal Step. Hopefully this fixes a crash?"+" symbol offset when learning 1x1 spellsBalls of goo stay suspended in air if the wall they're stuck to is removedRerolling transitional levels doesn't bring you back to the same level typeTrances don't follow from floor to floor-of Escape doesn't escapeSimple enemies die when they touch immobile bouldersNew StuffMore Spell TrancesCharge StarsOverhauled GassesChangesGlobally reduced enemy damage on the first few floorsEnemy damage ramps up more graduallyShadow Cloak wears off much fasterStatuses from armors "Of The Ghost" and "Of Power" wear off fasterPortal has fewer chargesInfernus has fewer chargesBalls of Goo have increased knockbackBalls of Goo bounce off of the environment and creaturesBeing jumped on no longer immediately removes invisibilityLeveling up weapon skills no longer rounds them downBeing struck while speaking with the ghost will exit the menuFishahnas can no longer critByats only crit on their charged attackMoved "show info" to 'F1', instead of '1'Looking around with lanterns shifts the viewRefueling lanterns gives a bit more fuelReduced size of camera influence area during reaper summonChanges to lava and water appearanceMade spirit followers more accurateSlime-blinded enemies are more blindMushrooms now only grow with each poison burstSome level generator changesAdded option to control config menu to use class abilitiesChanged collision shape of broken crush trapsCasting portal on top of a door breaks the doorWet status shown in pause menuBottles and other items continue to make noise after first impactBottles of LavaPotions slightly more fragilePotions won't identify if the target is immune to their effectsSwarm Form is now the Trance of plague, rather than its OverloadThings thrown with Trajectory can pass thru portalsCan't go through level exits while attackingCan't go through level exits while looking around with lanternPurple Slimes ignore wooden bridgesThe Twins' door locks behind you when the fight beginsThe Grumbul Tank entrance door stays locked after the fightMinor changes to Level GenerationMinor changes to enemy AIThe Cursor Keys, Enter, and Escape always work on the main menuPress Delete to unassign individual keyboard controls and backspace to reset to defaultSome Changes to PotionsNew Potion "Colors"Next Build TO-DOOverhaul UIMake game 16:9Finish Poet?Add Daily Run mode. 0.1.5 Patch Notes: NewAdded "Look" menu! (default bound to "tab" on keyboard or "select/option" on controllers)4 New Boons!Multi-CastSiphonDangersenseCalculationsNew shop type - Gadgeter!4 new arm types!4 new leg types!2 New tinkerer items - Mana Battery, SpringChangesReduced amount of durability damage done to shoes from mighty stompThrowing enemies upwards with Grapple no longer tumbles the playerSlamming enemies into walls with Grapple now deals 1 damageCan more precisely place where enemies are thrown with GrappleIncreased time to aim grappled enemiesAdded boon icons to level-up menuRewrote flame cone code (Dragon breath, fire pipe traps, etc) It should behave mostly the same but perform much betterPlague now persists after creatures die rather than needing to re-plague corpses separatelyChanged appearance of plague fliesIncreased damage dealt by plague fliesGrumbul Tank Cannonball no longer destroys bridgesSlight changes to Grumbul Tank behaviorReduced size of holes in side of Grumbul Tank arenaWater washes off acidKicks deals damage based on which leg is kicked with (differs based on facing direction)Added gamepad rumble enable/disable option to controls menuGrumbul turrets are now battery-poweredGrumbul turrets now have sfx when drawing and firingIncreased power of zap grenadesGas grenades now continue to emit their gas for several secondsEmpty grenades can now be refilled if you have AlchemyArmor of reflection now reflects bouldersTracker and Pathfinder no longer stop tracking any items when descending floorsIncreased distance of wanderer's farsightLanterns no longer reduce their effective distance when low on fuelRewrote screen split handlingCo-op split screen bubbles are now a constant sizeReaper platforms once more disappear after a moment when stood uponFixesSpell inspection doesn't work from the skill gridUndead creatures can drownScreen steps back a frame when pausedAnticropolis ruin generation crash (for real this time)Inputs are sometimes ignored when the player is SlowedTank door no longer spawnsGrappling enemies can cause the player to shift around strangelyTraveling through lava with Dark Phase still lights you on fireCrash with certain bow shooting animationsCrash when trying to access a clogged pipeEating gorhounds and burrahbois doesn't heal with butcher meal effectGorhounds and burrahbois can't be cooked, and don't reflect seasoning in their namesCan no longer manually dodge with Acrobat using keyboardMore gamepads should be compatible, now/gamepad detection should be better maybe???A shopkeeper crashNot immune to fire or ice while in Dark Phase's dark phaseNo spell description for Orbis MalusLearning free spells (from the reaper pearl or spell-dealers) doesn't work in co-opTracking doors and crush-traps doesn't properly work when using a gamepadCeiling-portals repeatedly warp items in 1-high corridorsCrash when trying to track Grumbul Tank doorScreen sometimes continually splits and un-splits in co-opOrbs summoned by soul weapons can take damageStriking enemies while pouncing degrades your weapon and counts towards skill increasesReaper platforms can be destroyed by fireReaper rooms don't remove lava drips from vanished platformsCrush traps stuck between vanishing platforms shake the screen like crazyFixed crash upon resizing, moving, alt+tabbing, etc. the game windowSummoning the reaper destroys co-op ghost players if they're in the roomSlimes become faux-blighted when nearly but not-quite destroyed by crush trapsStone platforms are discolored by burningFrozen water surfaces can cause the player to clip into walls. 0.0.13b: Fixing bugs! Back on that YYC for Windows, no more black fullscreen for Linux, and you can have your soup and eat it, too.Fixes 0.0.13bFullscreen is blackCrash when drinking soupsByat meal bonus doesn't always wear offSpicy foods aren't indicated as such in food queueTwins can flee from the fightCrashes with AI in reaper fightShopkeepers are listed as "Other Things" in the end-of-run kill listFrequent spawning in wallsChanges 0.0.13bAdded indicator beneath hunger queue to indicate currently active meal effectsSpicy meals made more effectiveAdded new soup typeImproved mechanics of hot potatoesCan use grapple on ReaperCompleting a meal shows its final components. 0.0.9: It’s that time again!A not insignificant number of changes in this build, such as the game now being w i d e s c r e e n, with an accompanying UI overhaul, and Wordsmiths not being entirely useless! Also, there’s a Daily Run mode! I’m still working out some kinks though, so everyone’s levels and kids might not be as-exactly-the-same as I’d like for them to be eventually -- especially between different OSes. There’s also a lack of proper Leaderboards and such, which will also be coming in the future. But hey, the foundation is laid. Just needs to be built upon, now!For the next month I’ll be focusing on finishing up the Poet (finally), adding the long-awaited new class, and working a bit more on the Daily Runs -- in addition to some Secret Things that I’ll not speak of here. I also anticipate touching up the level generator a bit, with new rooms and some funky new transitional stages, as well as more fundamental changes that’ll become necessary as I progress on to the Anticropolis.Full changelog below:FixesCrash when gorhound corpses are destroyedPressure plates aren't properly held down by the playerClass abilities don't appear when equipped to the third spell slotControllers rumble when not in useCan't walk on lava with boots of gossamerCorrected text descriptions for certain Boons"Stuck!" text and noise spamming when in contact with purple slimeAiming boulders downward with Trajectory kills youGrumbuls spaz out in waterArmless enemies still punchLegless enemies are mad whackFlame Wave direction doesn't change through portalsCan take damage when going through the exit doorCan unstow and hold items without armsEntering a level with one leg causes kids to fly upwardsThe Reaper can strand player in the reaper room if distracted by another enemyBlack Chests can spawn GrowthSpells from the Black Chest twitch oddlySpells from the Black Chest can be stownReaper's diving spin attack is basically instant-kill (oops)Some bugs with properly choosing keyboard and gamepad inputsTwins exit door can spawn on top of entrance doorReaper gets drawn behind the environment after doing its superSkeletal Mages leave no corpsesBlack Chest missing noise when openedBoulders don't release properly when grabbed for rollingCrash when throwing a bottle of goo or slime through a torchFlame Wave doesn't change direction through portals properlyDragon's Breath doesn't ignite explosive gasOverloaded Frost Bolt (Glacial Grinder) doesn't cost a charge starOverloaded Slow (Pause) doesn't cost a charge starCrash when sprinting up walls with glacial footwearPouncing on frozen enemies is mad whackNew StuffUI overhaulDaily Run Mode (WIP)Wordsmith Charged Tome abilitiesChangesDuelist now slows all enemies on screen, not just the ones targeting youAdded targeting reticle to duelistOverwhelming made more visually obviousMax HP caps out at 25Spellbooks are destroyed after one useCrush/Spike traps no longer trigger at all with boots of gossamerSpellbooks can only be used onceTome abilities come out much fasterFailing to identify a potion now results in a messageMight is now called Might instead of Strength sometimesDisarm and Extra Tough switched places in the boon orderByat holes now spawn a maximum of 5 ByatsFire and Ice Tome attack burns for a shorter duration"Pickpocket" changed to "Pilfer""Pilfer" steals shoes, hats, and weapons from enemies if you are shoeless, hatless, or unarmedPortal no longer illuminates the darknessCan no longer move portal outside of the view when aiming itPoisoned slime poisons enemies when used to blind themCan now aim Tome spellsHeadless skeletons are blindTier 3 taunt no longer grants mightTier 2 taunt weakness wears off fasterShopkeeper gets mad a little more easilySpirit followers have slightly more hpSpirit followers shoot fasterSpirit followers don't return to you between shotsOgo now ignore wooden platforms like oog doEnemies become more aggressive when tauntedAlterations to Reaper-of Stopping procs less frequently and for a shorter durationStriking paused foes always unpauses themShadow Cloak lasts slightly longerTomes attacks cost the same amount, regardless of entities affectedTomes start with more chargesTemporal Tricks' Tome attack deals damage nowEnemies have a brief warning before casting spells or executing any nonstandard movesMost trances last longerCharge stars restore energy when usedCharge stars auto-collect (like coins) if any trances or overloads are empty [experimental]Spellwright's aimed spells are no longer offset in front of youTomes don't consume book charges if they failNext Build TO-DOFinish Poet (For Realsies)!New Class!Daily Run Leaderboard / General Stat-Tracking


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